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[求职招聘] 长城出版计划 GREAT WALL PLAN

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 楼主| 发表于 2023-1-29 15:41:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
GREAT WALL PLAN-Earn royalties for authors and translators

In traditional published model, the author's royalty is about 6~10% (paper version) and up to 25% (e-books). Translators mostly do not have the copyright of their translation texts, only enjoying the right of attribution. That means the subsequent book sales and related profits have nothing to do with the translator.

Mengchen Culture Communication Group now launches GREAT WALL PLAN, which aims to explore new publishing model and promote cultural communication.
If you have a publishing need, whether it is an original work or a translation work, as long as you have the copyright, we can provide ISBN and distribute it to 30,000 online stores and libraries across 150+ countries free of charge.
1. You always own all the rights of your book.
2. We bear the distribution costs.
     Our platform - the author/translator receives 70% net profit from the sales of the book.
     Global platform - the author/translator receives 30% to 55% net profit from the sales of the book.
3. Self-publishing: If you'd like to bear the distribution cost, you can have 100% net profit.

Distribution Cost: e-book USD 300/book/year; paper book USD 500/book/year
Unique Advantage: For author, if you want to translate your book and then publish and distribute it globally, we can also help you contact translators. Mengchen Culture Communication Group as a China based company has accumulated a wealth of publishing resources and we have sound relationship with book editors in various categories in China.

Contact us:
Mail: moontrans@mengchenchina.com
Q/W: 1196246431



梦辰文化现推出GREAT WALL PLAN,旨在探索新型出版模式,促进文化传播。
如您有出版需求,无论是原创作品或者译著,只要拥有版权,我们可提供国际书号ISBN,负责免费发行至全球 30000 家在线商店和图书馆销售您的图书,并且:
1、作/译者 始终拥有著作所有权利;

分销成本:电子书 1500元/年/本(300$/本/年);纸质书3000元/年/本(500$/本/年)。
分享到:  QQ好友和群QQ好友和群 QQ空间QQ空间 腾讯微博腾讯微博 腾讯朋友腾讯朋友
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